Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Drips, snores, and washing machines...

So it's past my bedtime and I'm wide awake listening to the melody of my husband snoring and the drip-drip-drip of our shower head.  Sleep eludes me at the moment (which is baffling since I am tired ALL DAY LONG and am always ready for a nap), so I figured, why not start a blog?  =)  I had one before - made a couple posts - then nothing...  Hopefully, I'll actually stick with this one! 

I guess now would be the time that I make my 'introductory' post, telling you all about me, my life, and what makes me tick...

But I'm not going to... 

I'm gonna get right down to the nitty gritty and tell ya what's on my mind.  What's been bothering me for the past few hours.  You know, the whole point of a blog in the first place...haha  =) 

My current gripe (other than the dripping shower head - gotta try to fix that soon...the faster the drips get, the faster I feel myself losing my sanity...): Our washing machine. 

Tonight I decided that instead of washing Haylee's cloth diapers the way I normally do (cold pre-rinse, hot wash, extra rinse, then drying time), I was going to do a cold pre-rinse, and then do a hot soak overnight...just to see how it worked.  Well, I got the pre-rinse done and waited for the washer to fill up with water again for the hot soak.  When it was full, I noticed that a few of the diapers weren't fully submerged in the water.  This just wouldn't do!  After all, the whole point of a soak is for the diapers (every part of the diapers) to be in the water - ALL IN...not bits and pieces... 

So I did what anyone would do and dunked my hand right down in there pushing the diapers underwater and making sure they were good and saturated.  That's when it hit me that something was wrong.  The hot water that my diapers were supposed to be soaking in wasn't hot.  Shoot, it wasn't even warm!  My diapers were soaking in cold water and I wanted to know why. 

**I'd like to take this moment to say that there are some people (albeit, just a few) who don't use hot water when washing their cloth diapers, but...I'm sorry...I'm NOT going to be one of those people.  It just doesn't sit well with me.  It's like washing dishes with cold water.  Not only is it harder and takes a lot longer to get all of the soap off, it just doesn't FEEL like it's clean to me.  In my world, "hot" means cleaner...and cleaner faster...  So this whole "not having hot water for my diapers" was seriously bothering me!**

Maybe the hot water knob wasn't turned to the 'on' position...  Well my short little arms couldn't quite reach behind the washer to check and my big ole pregnant belly wasn't letting me squeeze between the little opening between our washer and I had to call in the reinforcements....  =)  Eric was able to reach back and turn the hot water knob.  Sure enough, it was off (why, I have no clue, but who really cares at this point?).  So I drain the washer and start to fill it up again.  What do I feel when I stick my hand under the waterfall filling up our washer?  Yep, you guessed it: COLD WATER! 

I'm starting to get a little agitated now.  So we turn the knob back the other way again.  Maybe it really was in the on position to begin change in water temperature.  We try keeping the knob somewhere in the middle of the on and off position (cause, you HAVE to try every possible thing that comes to mind when you're troubleshooting...haha) change in water temperature.  Maybe the cold water is just really strong and too cold and so it's "overriding" (for lack of a better word) the hot water.  So we turn the cold water down a bit...still no change in water temperature.  In an act of pure desperation (diaper cleaning is serious business around here, after all!), we turned the cold water off completely. 


But sooooo not the change we were looking for.  After turning off the cold water, we were left with nothing.  Literally.  No hot water.  No cold water.  No water at all, for that matter.  I wanted to kick the washer.  But then I reminded myself that it probably wasn't the washer's fault.  It probably had something to do with the lines or the pipes or something else that I have absolutely no understanding of.  So I wanted to kick that instead.  But I have short legs as well as short arms and the belly's not getting any smaller for a few more months, so I had to take all that pent up energy and put it towards something more eating a piece of chocolate...and then writing about our not-so-interesting adventures in a blog...


  1. LOVE THIS! Keep it up! I want to know what was wrong with your hot water! I mean, I agree, not washing diapers in hot water is just WRONG! Like not taking a shower after being out in the hot sticky Florida sun all day, right before you get in bed, WRONG I tell you!
    You SO did NOT put me to sleep! You had me leaning in to hear more and faster! Keep it up! Drip, Drip, Drip, get that fixed, now I am hearing it! LOL!
